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James Bezek Director All divisions within the Department are open for business.
For faster service, please schedule an appointment using the button below.
If you have general questions or need to speak with staff, please contact us at 707-784-6765 and you will be directed to the correct staff person to assist you. You may also email us at [email protected].
If you wish to submit an application or plans for a building permit, on-site sewage disposal (septic) system or water well, you may utilize our Online Permits application under OPTIONS to the left. For all other programs, or for general information and hard copy permit forms, please follow the links below.
Our office hours are 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday, closed for lunch from 12pm - 1pm
Schedule Appointment LNU LIGHTNING COMPLEX FIRE The County has reduced several permit fees for residents impacted by the fire who wish to rebuild or repair their homes. If you have questions, please contact our office at 707-784-6765.
Under the general direction of the Office of the Director, the Department of Resource Management consists of these six organizational divisions:
Building and Safety Services Environmental Health Services Parks and Recreation Planning Services Public Works Administrative Services.
The department also administers the following programs for the unincorporated areas of Solano County: Business licenses Housing Programs (NSP3, Housing Authority)
Click here for items of interest which include: Travis Sustainability Study (TSS), Final Report-Cannabis, Middle Green Valley Specific Plan, Draft Noise Ordinance, Recycling Events, Dove Creek Project 2018.
Request for Proposal for Building Inspection Services
Fire Hazard Severity Zones in State Responsibility Area
For online planning, building, septic, wells/borings, encroachment, or grading permits, or to pay fees associated to those permits, please go to our land management permit system. For other permits, such as food, body art, hotels and other Environmental Health permits, please go to our environmental health permit system. For all other invoice and permit payments, please go to our online payment system. |
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