Permit Process

Building Division

The Building and Safety Division of the County of Solano, which is a part of the Department of Resource Management, is charged with the enforcement of the California Code of Regulation: also known as the California Building Standards Codes.

The codes intend to impress reasonable minimum standards of construction upon the building public through a program of rigorous enforcement.

Before commencing construction, repair or making any alterations, please confer with the Building and Safety Division at (707) 784-6765 to make certain that the project conforms to current building and zoning codes and what permits will be required.

The Building and Safety Division cannot legally design, redesign or perform structural calculations for construction projects. The services of an architect or a structural engineer may be required for certain projects.

Download Building Forms

Please apply for your Building Permits Online.

Planning Division
Before a building permit can be issued by the Building and Safety Division, information concerning zoning regulations must be obtained from the Planning Division. Each piece of property within the County is part of a designated zoning district. The zoning district specifies the permitted land uses, such as residential, commercial or industrial, and the minimum distances or setbacks from the property lines for buildings, accessory structures, fences as well as maximum height restrictions. If the permit request is for new construction, architectural design and landscaping standards may apply to the property or project.

The above items must be addressed before a building permit can be issued by the Building and Safety Division.

Permits Required
The California Building Standards Codes requires that any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first submit a permit application to the Solano County Building & Safety Division and obtain the required permits.

Some examples of projects requiring permits are as follows:
  • Decks
  • Room Additions
  • Swimming Pools
  • Water Heater Replacement
  • Heater/Air Conditioners (New and Replacements)
  • Sewer or Septic Repair or Replacement
  • Reroof of Structures
  • Covered Patios of any material 
  • Any and all Electrical work
  • Any and all Plumbing work
Decks Permits Exempted
Some examples of work not requiring permits are:
  • One story detached accessory buildings used as tool and/or storage sheds or playhouses and under 120 square feet of floor area with no electric, mechanical or plumbing within.
  • Fences not over 6 ft. in height.
  • Retaining walls under 4 ft. in height (including foundation) without surcharge behind them.
  • Swimming pools less than 5,000 gallons and setting above the adjacent grade with 24" maximum depth.
  • Painting, papering and similar finish work.
  • Window awnings projecting not more than 54".

See the Building & Safety FAQ section for other items that may be exempt from permits.

Required Drawings and Reports

Minimum Plan Checklist

The following may be a deferred submittal:
  • Fire Sprinkler Plans
  • Roof Truss Calculations

Deferred submittals shall be submitted to the project engineer who shall review the documents and provide a written statement on the documents informing the Building and Safety Division that they have reviewed the documents and that they have found them to be in complaince with the general design of the building. The engineer of record shall then provide their signature after the statement and the documents can then be subbmitted to the Building & Safety Division for review and approval.

Submit Four (4) sets of the following drawings are required, if applicable:

Sheet Sizes/Scale - 8 1/2"x 11" or larger plan sheets are required. Plot plan scale to be sized to show overall property, if less than 1/8"/ft. scale, an enlargement of the building site to at least 1/8" scale is required. Detail is to be at least 1/2" scale, all other views a minimum 1/4" scale. Number each sheet, example: sheet 1 of 8, 2 of 8, etc.

Site Plan - This plan is a view of the entire property. Clearly show and dimension to scale all property lines, easements, setbacks, roads, drainage away from the building, existing structures, proposed structures, retaining walls, water well(s), septic system(s), LP tank(s), streams, north arrow, scale, owner name, name of person preparing plans and project address. Additions and/or areas of remodel shall be shaded and/or cross hatched in relation to overall building.  
Sample Site Plan

Foundation Plan - Provide layout of foundation to scale. Show perimeter and interior bearing footings, slab, piers, stairs and fireplaces. Show details of each foundation section indicating size, reinforcement and sill plate attachment.

Floor Framing Plan - Provide sheathing thickness, size, grade, spacing and layout of all framing members. Provide wet stamped and signed manufactured truss plan(s) and layout if applicable. Show details of all connections, components, attachments, anchorage, etc.

Roof Framing Plan - Provide sheathing thickness, size, grade, spacing and layout of all framing members. Provide wet stamped and signed manufactured truss plan(s) and layout if applicable. Show details of all connections, components, attachments, anchorage, etc.

Floor Plan - Show all interior and exterior walls, doors, windows, stairways, fireplaces, closets, counters, attic/underfloor access, plumbing fixtures (water heaters, toilets, showers, tubs, sinks, dishwashers, clothes washer/dryer, stove top, oven, etc.). Show location and layout of HVAC system. Show all electrical outlets, switches, lights, smoke detectors and electric panel(s). For additions and alterations, graphically show new, existing, and removed components. Each room or space shall be labeled to reflect its intended use.

Elevations - Show the elevations being changed. Show all exterior features such as the style of the building, doors, windows, decks, finishes, patios, chimneys, trims, etc.

Energy Forms - Energy forms shall be submitted as an entire package for any alteration or addition to the envelope, lighting, or mechanical system of a building or structure regulated for energy efficiency by the California Energy Commission. This includes change-outs of existing mechanical systems. For residential projects the CF-1r's and CF-4R's shall be made a permanent part of the plans. For commercial projects the ENV's, LTG-1's and MECH-1's shall be made a permanent part of the plans. Forms shall be signed by the owner and designer.

Soils Report -and analysis with foundation design criteria (foundation type, soil load limits, etc.) may be required for all new structures.

Sample Construction Plans

Permit Application Information
When applying for a permit, certain information is required to complete the permit application.
  • Description of the work
  • Location of the project (street number & name)
  • Legal owner's name, address and phone number
  • Valuation and square footage of the proposed work
  • Other information as may be required
  • Will Serve Letter from Water Agency

The owner, an authorized agent, or a licensed contractor is the only person who can legally sign the building permit application. Upon approval of the application and issuance of the permit, the permit is valid for a two (2) year period as long as a group of required inspections listed on the back of the permit card can be signed off every one-hundred and eighty (180) days. If an inspection cannot be signed off every one-hundred and eighty (180) days and no request for an inspection is made during this time period, the permit will become expired and invalid. An extension to the permit can be granted by the Building Official upon written request by the applicant and justifiable cause demonstrated. If a permit expires for greater than one (1) year, the permit will become expired and a new permit application shall be subbmitted to the Building & Safety Division with new sets of plans provided and designed under the edition of the codes enforced at the time of application and the applicant shall pay new building permit and plan review fees.

Building Permit Fees
Fees are charged for each type of permit issued such as building, plumbing, electrical and/or mechanical. The permit fee is based on the valuation and square footage of the project, and calculated from fee tables established in the code. The fees provide for the application process, review of plans, and adequate field inspection of the materials and methods of construction.

All permits issued require an inspection during and/or at completion of the work. Scheduling inspections is the responsibility of the permittee. Depending on the type of project, the following inspections are required:

Foundation - to be made after the trenches are excavated, forms erected and steel & holdowns are in place. Property lines shall be marked at the site by the applicant, developer, contractor, authorized agent, or engineer prior to requesting an inspection and shall be clearly visible for the county inspector.

Underslab-Underfloor - to be made after the installation of underfloor framing, heating ducts and plumbing.

Underfloor Insulation - to be made after the floor insulation and underfloor ventilation and access is installed but prior to installation of the subfloor.

Roof Nail - to be made after installation and nailing of the roof sheathing and flashing.

Frame - to be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, lath and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimney vents, rough electrical mechanical and plumbing are installed.

Insulation/Caulking - to be made after all the caulking, wall and ceiling insulation is installed.

Drywall Nail - to be made after the drywall is installed and prior to tape or texture.

Final - to be made after finish grading and the building is completed and ready for occupancy.

Not all of the inspections listed above will apply to every job. If it is uncertain which inspections will pertain to your project, check with the Building Division. Rule of thumb: "Don't cover it until the inspector sees it."

When To Call For An Inspection
For your convenience, the Building and Safety Division provides a 24-hour inspection request line at (707) 784-4750. When you call please leave the permit number, address and type of inspection requested. Inspections will be made on the day following request or same day inspections can be conducted if the request is received no later than 6:30 am of the day the inspection is requested. The approved plans and the inspection card that are issued shall be on the job site and available to the inspector at the time of inspection. 

Encroachment Permits
An encroachment permit is required for certain construction projects such as the construction of a new structure or other work involving the County Right of Way. You can contact the Public Works Division at (707) 784-6060.

Environmental Health
The following conditions may be required before Environmental Health will sign off for issuance of your building permit:

  • Percolation test results.
  • A site evaluation, completed by Environmental Health staff.
  • A complete septic system permit application on file
  • Payment of the appropriate septic system permit application fee.
  • Well flow and water potability test

If you are unsure if the above applies to your project, contact Environmental Health at (707) 784-6765.

Important Numbers
Resource Management Department
24 Hour Inspection Request Line (707) 784-4750

The Building, Planning, Public Works, and Environmental Health Divisions are located at
675 Texas Street, Suite 5500
Fairfield, Ca. 94533
(707) 784-6765