Guidance for School Settings

Solano County Public Health is working closely with the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) to keep our communities informed regarding the pandemic and its impact on school communities. Our goal is to keep children and educators safe in-schools. Solano Public Health continues to align with guidance from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Universal masking requirements in K-12 and childcare settings are a strong recommendation. CalOSHA follows the CDPH guidance, so masking for teachers is a strong recommendation as well. All guidance documents can be found here.

COVID-19 General Guidance

  1. Stay home if you feel sick
    If symptoms of COVID-19 develop, get tested or if unable to test, stay home until the symptoms resolve. 
  2. Test if you experience symptoms
    Only an at-home or PCR test can confirm a COVID-19 infection. Students and staff can self-test at home or find a COVID-19 testing location listed on Solano County's Community Testing Sites webpage.
  3. Stay at home if you test positive
    People who test positive should stay home and take appropriate measures.
  4. Notify your close contacts
    If you or your child tests positive, notify anyone outside of the school setting with whom you or child shared indoor space for 15 minutes or more in the two days before symptoms started or two days before the test if there were no symptoms. 
  5. Notify your school
    Contact your school to let them know that your child tested positive, and they will be absent due to COVID-19. Your school should also provide information about when your child may return to school.

Guidance for School Settings

  • K-12 schools who experience a COVID-19 outbreak can report their school outbreak at SPOT and access school-specific guidance from CDPH (2023-2024) and SCOE (12/22/2022).
  • Childcare providers who experience a COVID-19 outbreak within their daycare or preschools can report their outbreak at SPOT and access childcare-specific guidance from CDPH (8/28/2023). Additional county guidance for childcare will be determined.
  • Higher education institutions who experience a COVID-19 outbreak can access college/university-specific guidance from CDPH (5/22/2023).
  • CA Safe Schools for All Hub

Resources for Students & Families

Reviewed 6/11/2024