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Click here to check the current weather forecast and view active watches/warnings.
Click here to find warming center locations.
Click here for sandbag locations.
| SAFETY STEPS TO PREPARE | | Before the Storm: |  | Determine if your home, business, schools, or necessary travel routes are in the at-risk areas by referring to the Cal OES My Hazards page. |  | Learn the plan for your local school. Parents of school age children should contact their school district or visit their websites to learn what steps the district will take to ensure student safety. This may include school closures and evacuations. For a list of Solano County School Districts, click here. |  | Know all your local access roads and understand that some may be blocked by debris or water. Have an alternate route. Stay informed of road and highway conditions by visiting the following resources, Solano County Road Closures, 511 SF Bay and Caltrans Quick Map. |  | Learn about debris flow by reading these Debris Flow FAQ. |  | Flood insurance: Most homeowners insurance does not cover floods or flows from natural disasters. Make sure your home is protected. Refer to the National Flood Insurance Program website at FEMA.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Act now. Most flood insurance policies take up to 30 days to go into effect. |  | Have an emergency plan and a disaster kit ready to go and don’t forget to plan for your pets. For more information, ready.gov. | | As a Storm Approaches: |  | Follow all warnings/orders from public safety officials. Sign up for emergency alerts at AlertSolano.com. Follow @SolanoOES and @AlertSolano on Facebook and Twitter. |  | Leave before any flows begin, this is the only safe time to leave. If debris flows, mud or water are already flowing, get higher than the flow, such as going to the highest floor in your home. |  | Monitor official weather reports and heed weather alerts. Understand that the weather where you are can be different than the weather where the flows start. To monitor visit, weather.gov/sto/ or on Facebook @NWSSacramento. |  | Never drive or walk into flood waters, mud or debris, and never go around barricades. It is impossible to know how deep the water or mud is just by looking at it and the depth can change quickly. |  | Protect your property and structures with sandbags and other methods to divert water from entering structures and reduce erosion on your property. Click here to see a list of unfilled sandbags and sand. To read the Solano County Water Agency’s Ready for the Flood Manual click here. |  | As always, in case of emergency, dial 9-1-1. | Other Useful Links Debris Flow FAQ click here SCWA Rain Gauges click here Solano County Watershed Map click here Erosion Control Information click here Well & Pump Inspection - What to Do After the Flood click here Flooding Issues with Septic Systems click here LNU Cleanup & Rebuilding click here Partner Resources click here Follow @SolanoOES on Facebook & Twitter
Evacuation & Road Closure Terminology Terminology is consistent with California statewide standards Evacuation Order | There is an immediate threat to life. It is a lawful order to leave now and the area is lawfully closed to public access. It is important to note that not all evacuation orders begin with an evacuation warning. | Evacuation Warning | There is a potential threat to life and/or property. Those who require additional time to evacuate, and those with pets and/or livestock are encouraged to leave now. | Shelter in Place | Go indoors. Shut and lock your doors and windows and be prepared to self-sustain until further notice and/or you are contacted by emergency personnel for additional direction. | Evacuation Orders Lifted | This is the formal announcement lifting evacuations in an area currently under evacuation. | Hard Closure | Closed to all traffic except Fire and Law Enforcement. | Soft Closure | Closed to all traffic except Fire, Law Enforcement, and critical incident resources (i.e. utility, Caltrans, City/County Roads, or those needed to repair or restore infrastructure.) | Resident Only Closure | Soft closure with the additional allowance of residents and local government agencies assisting with response and recovery. | |
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