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 | First 5 Solano partners with local school districts, non-profits, businesses, and individuals to provide summer Pre-Kindergarten Academies in Solano County. Pre-K Academies provide children who lack prior preschool experience the opportunity to develop the needed social and academic skills to be successful as they enter kindergarten. Over half of Solano County’s three and four year olds are not enrolled in a formal early childhood education program. These children enter kindergarten behind their peers both academically and socio-emotionally, and this achievement gap can persist through their school career. | Thanks to the partnership of Solano County schools and businesses, First 5 Solano was able to serve 435 children through the 2017 Pre-Kindergarten Academies.
Research has shown that children have a better chance of success when provided short, targeted programs to help them become school ready. Skills taught within the Pre-K Academies include: positive social and group interaction, sharing, following directions, language skills, and pre-math and pre-literacy skills. Children who participate in Pre-K Academies display significant improvements in their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Additionally, parents are able to connect with teachers, ask questions, and be supported in their role as their child’s first and best teacher. |  | Serving 435 children last year was a tremendous success; however every year there are more children in need of a strong start to their education. We want to increase the number of children helped this year! Please consider serving our community as a PRE‑K Academy CHAMPION.
You can support the Pre-K Academies by:
Providing $500 stocks a classroom with supplies including backpacks and materials
Providing $2,500 sponsors half a classroom
Providing $5,000 sponsors an entire classroom
Providing any amount helps to support a child to participate in a Pre-K Academy. For every $200, one child is able to attend a Pre-K Academy.
Online: click link: https://paydirect.link2gov.com/First5/ItemSelection/SelectItems By mail: mail a check to First 5 Solano, 601 Texas St., Suite 210 Fairfield, CA 94533
*Donations to First 5 Solano are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code Section 170 (c)(1): EIN#: 94-6000538
*First 5 Solano Children and Families Commission is a division within Solano County
*For more information about First 5 Solano, visit the website at www.first5solano.org or call Lorraine Fernandez: 707-784-1337
*Any contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the First 5 Solano Children and Families Commission
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