| | | MHSA HousingHomelessness is a significant issue impacting individuals on a statewide scale. As such, new legislature has been passed which will impact the local MHSA funding received by counties. Over the course of the next 3-5 years, Solano County will have a better sense of how additional funding received as a result of this legislature will impact our community. In the meantime, existing MHSA funding is being used to continue, and in some cases expand, the housing supports available to homeless mentally ill consumers. Solano County will also continue to fund several community-based agencies who provide respite, transitional, or permanent housing.
Supported Housing The Caminar Supported Housing program provides housing services for individuals who have been diagnosed with serious mental illness and are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Housing options range from long-term permanent supportive housing to 30-day transitional housing. Shelter Housing MHSA provides funding for dedicated shelter beds that are exclusively utilized by the Homeless FSP program. Consumers live in a home-like setting and receive individualized case management to assist with their unique issues. Urgent Crisis Respite Housing MHSA provides funding for dedicated respite beds, typically for 1-3 nights with a max of 30 days, made available to individuals who have recently experience an acute crisis. The goal is to prevent homelessness for individuals recently discharges from the crisis stabilization unit, an inpatient facility, jail, or are at risk of losing their placement.
Transitional Housing MHSA provides funding for dedicated transitional housing units for 6-12 months for adult mental health consumers.
Additional Housing Supports MHSA has allocated funding to support consumers stepping down from inpatient facilities and Institutions of Mental Disease (IMD) to Augmented Board and Care facilities, when appropriate. Often consumers who have made progress in their recovery are not able to live independently and continue to need the structure that an Augmented Board and Care provides. Efforts are made to secure placements in facilities that are closer to the Solano community in order to promote connections with natural support systems such as family and friends, which can help in the recovery process.  |
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