| | | CalFresh Healthy Living Program.png) Customer Satisfaction Survey Link: https://solanocounty.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rD8V1nquCZVtky
Solano County's CalFresh Healthy Living Program supports health, active & nourished lifestyles by teaching Californians about good nutrition and how to stretch their food dollars, while also building partnerships in communities to make the healthy choice, the easy choice. The program is known federally as SNAP-Ed. CalFresh Healthy Living represents a statewide movement of local, state and national partners collectively working toward improving the health status of low-income Californians through increased fruit and vegetables consumption and daily physical activity. Multiple venues are used to facilitate behavior change in the homes, schools, worksites, and communities of low-income Californians to create environments that support fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity. For more information on CalFresh Healthy Living visit http://calfresh.dss.ca.gov/healthyliving/home
The Food Agriculture and Nutrition Network of Solano County is a collective effort to promote heathy eating and active living to low income Solano County Residents through advocacy, environmental change, collaboration, resource sharing and education. For more information on the Food Agriculture and Nutrition Network of Solano County visit healthyfoodsolano.org For more information, contact Rema El-Mahmoud. Phone Number: (707)784-6424 Email: [email protected] |
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