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When can I add a dependent to my health plans? You may add an eligible dependent to your existing coverage within 30 days of birth/adoption, marriage, or loss of coverage. If it does not meet these criteria, you must wait for the annual open enrollment period. Who is eligible to enroll in health coverage? You may enroll yourself and all of the following eligible family members: - Your spouse, domestic partner, and your child(ren) under age 26
(If your dependent becomes ineligible mid-year, you are required to submit documentation and proof of a qualifying event within 30 days of their eligibility change)
What if I want to change health plans? TheĀ Open Enrollment period is held annually in which you can change plans and add or delete dependents.
When should I contact my health plan? Contact your health plan for the following items or requests: - Identification Cards - Verification of Provider Participation - Service Area Boundaries - Benefits, Deductibles, Limitations, and Exclusions - Evidence of Coverage Booklets - Individual Conversion Policies - Billing Disputes
I am leaving employment with the County. How do I get a refund of my PERS retirement contributions? When CalPERS is notified by the County that you have permanently separated from employment, you will be sent a refund election packet. When CalPERS receives your completed election form, CalPERS will complete your refund in about four to six weeks. |
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