The Egg Quality Control Program
The Egg Quality Control Program provides for the enforcement of regulations pertaining to quality, weight and marking requirements for shell eggs. It assures a standardized grading and sizing system so that the egg producing industry remains competitive and we afford some protection to the consumer. Additionally, some of the egg quality standards protect the health of the public. Various diseases such as Salmonella have recently been linked to the improper storage of eggs. County inspectors also investigate complaints and enforce regulations regarding the reusable wire basket master egg containers belongings to each egg packer.

Egg inspection is performed at the retail and wholesale level throughout California. In Solano County, eggs are inspected at local retail establishments primarily, or when there is reasonable cause to believe there is a violation of any law or regulation, and upon receiving a consumer complaint. Eggs are inspected with a candling device and an egg scale, which enable the inspector to determine the condition of the eggshell and the quality of its contents.
Information for Egg Producers and Handlers
If you sell, produce, or handle eggs, what do you need to know?
· You must register with California Department of Food and Agriculture. Contact CDFA Egg Inspection, 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814; telephone (916) 654-0800, to register.
· A Summary of Regulations of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Pertaining to Eggs and Egg Container Brand Registration
· Other useful information is available at the University of California Poultry Web Page, Printed Publications
Direct questions to: California Department of Food and Agriculture, Egg Quality Control