| | | News Details | Solano County to open fish and wildlife propagation fund grant cycle for fiscal year 2023-2024August 25, 2023 SOLANO COUNTY –– Solano County Parks, in coordination with Solano County Parks and Recreation Commission, is pleased to announce the official launch of the fiscal year 2023-2024 Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund grant cycle, beginning September 1, 2023.
The Solano County Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund, under the direction of the Solano County Board of Supervisors, uses funds from fish and wildlife related fines and forfeitures in Solano County for projects and programs involved in the protection, conservation, propagation, and preservation of fish and wildlife.
The fiscal year 2023-2024 (FY2023/24) grant cycle is funded for up to $10,000 with a maximum grant request up to $2,500 with no match requirement necessary. Grant funding is available to units of government, including special districts organized under federal, state, or local laws, accredited educational institutions and private non-profit with current 501(c)(3) status. Although this grant is relatively small in annually available funds, the impacts can be large, with many past funded projects including support for environmental education materials for classrooms, field trips, habitat restoration and protection, and wildlife protection and recovery work.
DOWNLOAD AN APPLICATION / QUESTIONS On September 1, 2023, the application materials can be found on the Solano County Parks website at https://www.solanocounty.com/depts/rm/countypark/grants.asp. Applicants can also request a copy of the application materials and ask questions by contacting Chris Drake, Solano County Parks Services Manager at (707) 784-6765 and [email protected].
TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING To apply for funding, submit one un-bound application by or before Monday, October 2, 2023 at 5 p.m. to the Department of Resource Management, 675 Texas St., Suite 5500, Fairfield, attention: Chris Drake, Parks Services Manager. Once submitted, applications are given to the evaluation committee to assess and rank against the criteria included in the application materials. Please note, emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted.
PRESENT YOUR PROJECT FOR CONSIDERATION All applicants are welcome to attend the November 9, 2023 Parks and Recreation meeting located at the County Administration Center, 675 Texas Street, Fairfield, Multipurpose Rooms 1600-1620, 1st Floor at 10 a.m. Participants will have five minutes to present on their applied for project. The committee will make a recommendation to the Solano County Board of Supervisors who will make the final determination for funding. |
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