Claybank Adult Detention Faciilty Expansion


The Project, currently in the pre-design phase, is the first of four actions identified in a Master Plan to meet the County?S adult detention needs through the year 2025. The Claybank Adult Detention Facility (Claybank), which is used primarily to house sentenced inmates, was constructed in 1977 on County-owned land, and has a current capacity of 397 rated beds. The Project includes an addition to the existing facility that will house inmates with a combination of single and double occupancy cells. Required parking and corresponding site improvements will be constructed after the site potential of existing County-owned land has been studied. Several non-housing support areas in the existing facility will be expanded by approximately 65,150 gross square feet including administration, staff services, public/visiting spaces, central control, intake/release, medical/mental health services, and food service. Upgrades to the telephone, electronic security system and hardware will be performed and the adequacy of the existing fire alarm system will be evaluated and modified if required. The Project will be implemented so that the existing facility remains operational during construction.


Updated 02.06.06