Employment Services Policy Manual

Chapter 1- Introduction to Employment Services Program 
Chapter 2- Welfare-to-Work Intake Process (Universal Engagement)
Chapter 3- Orientation/ Appraisal and Reappraisal 
                  Section A - Appraisal
                  Section B - Reappraisal
Chapter 4- Assessment and Learning Disabilities 
                    Section A - Assessment

Chapter 5 - Action Plan/Time Limits
Chapter 6 - WTW Exemptions 
Chapter 7 - Participation Requirements, WTW Activities and Attendance
                    Section A - WTW Activities
                    Section B - Attendance and Satisfactory Progress
Chapter 8- Behavioral Health Services- Mental Health & Domestic Abuse
                    Section A - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
                    Section B - Domestic Abuse
                    Section C - Safe at Home
Chapter 9 - Self- Initiated Program (SIP)
Chapter 10- Job Readiness Activities/ Work Experience and Community
                      Service Training
                    Section A - Job Club / Search
                    Section B - Community Service
                    Section C - Job Readiness Workshops
Chapter 11-Employment 
Chapter 12-Education and Training - Vocation Training 
Chapter 13-Supportive Services   
                    Section A - Ancillary
                    Section B - Child Care  
                    Section C - Transportation
Chapter 14- Noncompliance /Good Cause (Coming Soon)
                     Section A - Non-Compliance
                     Section B - Good Cause 
                     Section C - Compliance
                     Section D - Sanctions
Chapter 15- Teen Participation Requirements (Coming Soon)
Chapter 16- Cal-Learn- WTW Teen (Coming Soon)
Chapter 17- (Reserved for future use)
Chapter 18- Post Aid Retention