PA Registry

What is the Public Authority Registry?

The Public Authority Registry helps match In-Home Supportive Service consumers with quality care providers. We recruit, screen and provide training classes to care providers, and work to ensure that our registry is a safe and reliable source for those who need in-home assistance.

Our Registry maintains a database of experienced care providers who have attended a Registry Recruitment session and have been interviewed by a member of our staff and cleared reference checking. Additionally they have undergone a California Department of Justice criminal background check as part of the screening process. They have also successfully completed the State mandated enrollment orientation process and have been cleared as eligible to work as an IHSS care provider.

How To Request A List of Caregivers from the Public Authority

If you are an eligible Solano County IHSS consumer and need help finding a care provider, you can request a list of available caregivers in your area be sent to you by the IHSS Public Authority. To request a list be sent to you, you may call the Public Authority at (707)784-8200 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm or you can email the Public Authority at [email protected] to request a caregiver list be sent to you.

You can also contact your IHSS Social Worker to refer you to the Public Authority - you may reach your Solano County IHSS Social Worker by calling the IHSS Main Line at (707)784-8259.  Your social worker will send a referral to the Public Authority. Once we receive the referral, our Registry Staff will contact you to find out your specific needs and preferences.  

The IHSS Public Authority has limited caregivers available on our Registry, and we strive to send each consumer a list of 3-5 available caregivers in your area to interview within seven (7) days of the request.  We also have the ability to dispatch emergency backup caregivers within 72 hours for up to 80 hours per year to each consumer in need of a temporary caregiver.  When we refer a backup provider from the Registry to serve in a temporary assignment, we can pay a $2 differential for the temporary assignment.