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Hike for Exercise and the Views at Lynch Canyon
Departments - Resource Management - Parks
Location: Lynch Canyon Open Space Park
3100 Lynch Road, Vallejo, CA, CA 94503

Spend an autumn morning hiking the beautiful hills at Lynch Canyon Open Space Park. Enjoy the trees, the birds, and the views of the bay. Use all your senses to appreciate this local treasure.

COST: The guided hike is free. Parking is $5 per motorized vehicle. All proceeds help Solano County Parks keep this land open and safe.

WHAT TO BE PREPARED FOR: (1) A 4-6 mile hike at a moderate pace with occasional stops. All ages are welcome, but you must be prepared to hike at this pace on rough, rocky, uneven ground. The route includes rugged, steep, and slippery hills that are full of sticky seeds and thorny plants. Some travel may be off-trail. (2) This is a working ranch where free-range cattle roam as they please. (3) There is no drinking water. (4) There is one bathroom, located in the parking lot. (5) In order to protect wildlife, cattle, and rare plants—and for your pet's safety—dogs are not allowed. (6) Take only pictures, leave only footprints. (7) Maintain a safe distance from cattle and wildlife, and be aware that this is tick, mountain lion, and potentially rattlesnake country.

WHAT TO BRING: (1) $5 cash for parking. (2) A backpack with plenty of water and snacks. (3) Boots or sturdy closed-toe shoes that grip well. (4) Long, sturdy pants and layered clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. (5) Protection from the elements (sun, wind, fog, rain). (6) Also recommended: Hiking sticks, bug repellent, binoculars, a camera.

MEETING PLACE: Click here for directions to Lynch Canyon. Meet your guide in the parking lot.

WEATHER PLAN: Rain or high fire danger cancels the hike. Call your guide if the weather is uncertain (see below).

REGISTRATION: RSVP appreciated to Jim Hanser at 707-372-6090 or [email protected].

For more Info
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM